Call For Papers
International Researchers Club (IRC) was set up in 2001, which was originally endorsed and funded by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). As an established society, IRC’s vision is to create a vibrant and innovative research community for Singapore. IRC-SET conference aims at providing a platform for young and talented researchers to share fresh results, obtain comments, and exchange innovative ideas of the leading edge research in the multi-disciplinary areas. You are cordially invited to submit your recent research work to the IRC-SET conference. Students from universities, polytechnics and junior colleges are warmly welcome to present your research and projects in our academic environment. The multi-discipline areas in alphabetical order include, but are not limited to:
- Architecture and planning
- Chemistry
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Environmental Sciences
- Food Science and Technology
- Healthcare
- Physics
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Life Sciences
- Material Sciences
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Mechanical engineering
- Medicine
Paper Submission
All papers should be limited to a maximum length of 6 pages (A4 size, single space, Times Roman of font size 10, two columns format), including figures, tables and references. The template can be downloaded from here.
Click here for more details on paper submission.
The conference committee will select 3 best paper awards, 1 best presentation award, and 1 best poster award. Each award will receive a prize and an award certificate. All authors will receive publication certificates.
Guest of Honors
Welcome address:
Professor Tit Meng LIM, Chief Executive of Singapore Science Centre, will deliver a welcome address in IRC-SET 2018.
Closing speech and presentation of certificates:
To be confirmed.
Important Dates
For additional information, contact the IRC organizing committee at .
Conference Venue
General Chair
Dr. Huaqun GUO Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
General Co-Chair
Dr. Bhojan Anand National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Technical Program Chair
Prof. Chau YUEN Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore
Technical Program Co-Chair
Dr. Jizhong LUO Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, A*STAR, Singapore
Dr. Umayal Lakshmanan ETC, A*STAR, Singapore
Prof. Bharadwaj Veeravalli NUS, Singapore
Prof. Hwee-Pink TAN Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore
Dr. Victor Peng Cheng WANG Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), Singapore
Dr. Aishwarya Bandla NUS, Singapore
Dr. Aldy Gunawan SMU, Singapore
Dr. Boon Seng CHEW Singapore Polytechnic (SP), Singapore
Dr. Mandar Godge Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
Dr. Guang CHEN Singapore General Hospital (SGH) Singapore
Prof. G. Roshan Deen National Institute of Education Singapore
Finance Chair
Dr. Yongqing ZHU Data Storage Institute, A*STAR, Singapore
Mr. Dong LI I2R, A*STAR, Singapore
Publicity Chair
Dr. Aishwarya Bandla NUS, Singapore
Ms. Yee Lin Tan National Junior College, Singapore
Local Arrangements Chair
Dr. Rong LI Experimental Therapeutics Centre (ETC), A*STAR, Singapore
Mr. Ivan Tan Yu Hao Dunman High School, Singapore
Sponsorship Chair
Dr. Victor Peng Cheng WANG SIT, Singapore
Mr. Lim Qi Jun Andrew Hwa Chong Institution (HCI), Singapore
Publication Chair
Dr. Hongliang Ren NUS, Singapore
Mr. Tang Bo Xuan HCI, Singapore
International Advisory Panel Chair
Prof. Lawrence Wai Choong WONG NUS, Singapore
International Advisory Panel
Prof. Janina Mazierska James Cook University, Australia
Prof. Yong-Jin Park Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Prof. Kristin L. Wood SUTD, Singapore
Prof. Wee Sun LEE NUS, Singapore
Prof. Gary TAN NUS, Singapore
Prof. Chip Hong CHANG NTU, Singapore
Prof. Maode MA NTU, Singapore
Prof. Lun-De Liao National Health Research Institute, Taiwan
TPC Members
Mr Krishnamoorthy Baskaran, Energy research Institute [ERIAN], NTU
Dr. Chris CHOY, StarHub
Dr. Keyu GU, Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, NUS
Dr. Umayal Lakshmanan, Experimental Therapeutics Centre
Dr. Claus Muschallik, Coffee Electronics Pte. Ltd.
Mr Bhaskaran David Prakash, ETPL, A*STAR
Dr. Muthu Sebastian, Environment Water technology center of Innovation
Dr. Junxia WANG, Bioinformatics Institute
Ms Wai Ee WONG, WD Media (S) Pte Ltd
Mr Dajun WU, Institute for Infocomm Research
Dr. Jien WU, Institute Of Molecular And Cell Biology
Dr. Dexin XIONG, NauticAWT Limited
Dr. Quanqing XU, Data Storage Institute
Dr. Guisheng ZENG, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
Dr. Yi ZHOU, Singapore Institute of Technology
Dr. Yongqing ZHU, Data Storage Institute
Dr. Guoxian TAN, Raffles Institution
Dr. Sher-Yi CHIAM, NUS High School of Mathematics and Science
Organized by
Technically Co-Sponsored by

Supported By
Education Society Singapore Chapter
Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Singapore Chapter
Broadcast Technology Society Singapore Chapter
Singapore Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group
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